🎉 Incentive Testnet of Zir Exchange on Zircuit Testnet will happen soon 🎉

zir exchange verified collections





Zir Exchange is the native marketplace, launchpad, and arena game for NFTs on Zircuit.
At Zir Exchange, users can trade NFTs, launch their projects for free, mint their own NFTs with AI, and select any NFT to compete in an Arena PvP game.
Together, we leverage more value and use cases for NFTs on Zircuit.

Zir Exchange stands out from other marketplaces on Zircuit because of:
1. NFT marketplace and launchpad combined, enhancing instant liquidity for NFTs.
2. Permissionless NFT launchpad, enabling everyone to launch their NFT collections.
3. AI tools for generating and minting NFTs (available in July 2024).
4. NFT Arena Game, allowing participants to choose NFTs to battle others and introducing innovative use cases for NFTs (available in July 2024).

Yes, everyone can launch their NFT collections on Zir Exchange for free.

Our team will review all NFT collections on Zir Exchange and grant a verification checkmark to those that do not violate copyrights. To facilitate the process, you can contact us via email or Discord

Marketplace & Launchpad & Arena Game for NFTs on Zircuit
Contact contact@zir.exchange
© 2024 zir.exchange . All rights reserved.